Case Study

Casey Crowther: From 15 Years to 3 Years


Reduction in Sentence

Recognized for Honesty and Community Contributions

Building a New Future

As the owner of a successful roofing company, I never anticipated facing legal trouble. My business was thriving, but poor decisions regarding a mortgage application and the misuse of PPP funds led to my indictment. Initially facing a potential 15-year sentence, I was overwhelmed and uncertain about my future.

White Collar Advice (WCA) provided the support and guidance I desperately needed. Justin Paperny and his team helped me understand the importance of taking responsibility and preparing thoroughly for sentencing. Their comprehensive resources and personal advice were invaluable.

With WCA’s help, I developed a personal narrative that detailed my background, my business accomplishments, and my sincere remorse for my actions. This narrative, along with character reference letters from my community, helped to present a complete picture of who I was.

At my sentencing hearing, the judge recognized my efforts to make amends and my contributions to the community. Instead of the anticipated 15 years, I received a sentence of 3 years. This significant reduction was a testament to the power of preparation and the importance of presenting an honest and comprehensive story to the court.

Today, I am focused on rebuilding my life and giving back to my community. I am grateful for the guidance and support from WCA, which enabled me to turn a difficult situation into an opportunity for growth and redemption.