Our Process

Our Process to Justice

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A Breakdown How We Help Deliver Results

You’re facing one of life’s most challenging periods, which is why we’ve developed a step-by-step process to navigate through these tough times, and deliver you the best results.

  • Find the Best Attorney

    First and foremost, we schedule for you multiple consolations with the best attorney's for your case or situation.

  • WCA and Attorney Collaboration

    WCA works in collaboration with your attorney through every step of the way. Anytime you need something you have access to both sets of resources.

  • Strategic Mitigation

    We work to build strategic mitigation strategies for your case during investigation, before sentencing, and after sentencing.

  • Develop Assets for Stakeholders

    Building assets through the entire lengthily process is extremely important and we assist in developing these assets for you.

  • Fight for the Best Outcome

    Our goal is your goal—to fight for the best outcome—and to do this you need to work with the absolute best team. We are that team.

Don't Settle for
Less Than the Best


The WCA team closely works with your attorney to help deliver and build assets to assist with mitigation.

Strategic Mitigation

We work to develop mitigation methods to help build the best persona of your character and case.

Best Outcomes

Partnering with the best leads to superior outcomes, and that's precisely why TopWCA was created for you.

Hire the Best Attorney

Schedule a free consultation with our team and pick from the best attorneys in the nation specializing in white collar crimes.